
Monday, January 10, 2011

Love It or Leave it - Vol 1

The first couple weeks in January are always full of New Year's Resolutions. I'm not sure you'd call them resolutions at our house, but we do generally try to get back on track in the new year...back on a budget, planning meals ahead of time, etc. I'm a terrible meal planner. Generally, the conversation when we get home is: J - "I'm hungry - What's for dinner?" H - "Umm" (scrounging through near empty cupboards) "cereal, cereal, or...cereal." Working full time makes grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking most difficult and leaves zero energy for meal creativity. However, thanks to a Christmas gift from my grandma, we may be conquering this problem (drum roll please) .............a new Crock Pot!! Yes, I can hear you all saying "hello, Hilary, this is not a new invention!" I have had a crock pot for a few years, and I've even used it several times, but it's gigantic, so it's a pain to clean and you have to cook for an army to fill it. My new crock pot is just right for about 4 servings (dinner today and lunch tomorrow!) and along with the Fix it and Forget it magazine, I'm all set. What an easy way to plan and cook ... or not cook...just come home and enjoy! Question: "What's for dinner?" Answer" " Not cereal!!"

So for the first round of Love It or Leave It...

1. The little crock pot - reasonably priced at around $15
2. The return of Super Mario for Wii - I was always bad at that game 20 years ago ...and I still am today, but my sweet husband puts me on his shoulders and carries me through the levels. So much fun!
3. Jasmine Star...for her Kisses and Disses (Inspiration behind the new Love It or Leave It series)

1. Boring budget categories ... can you say Car repair?
2. Cereal for dinner
3. More Snow


Cori and Ben said...

Crock Pots are amazing! One of our favorite crock pot dishes is sloppy joes and roast are always amazing too!

Hilary Conyers said...

No kidding!! If you've got good recipes send them my way!!

Sarah said...

I have the Fix It and Forget It Cookbook. You're welcome to borrow it anytime!